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Browse FAQs

To change the cover photo on your profile, look in the top left corner of the cover photo. You will find an icon to edit the cover photo. Click that and it will give you the option to change your cover photo. Once you upload a new photo, click that button again and it will let you reposition it up and down. 

Depending on where you are on the site, you will need to follow one of the suggestions below; CANNOT LOGIN 1. Go to https://www.fetishmen.net/user/auth/forgot 2. Fill in your email address and click Recover My Password 3. Wait for the password reset email 4. Click the link in the email and follow the directions   ALREADY LOGGED IN 1. Go to the top right corner of the website and click on the GEAR 2. Select Change Password 3. Enter in your old password 4. Enter your new passw...

Stay Tuned for more information

Stay Tuned for more information

We hope we can convince you to stay. We never want to see a user leave for issues we can help resolve. However, if you still wish to delete your profile, please follow the steps below: 1. Go to the top of any page on Fetishmen and look in the top right corner. There you will find a GEAR. 2. Click on the GEAR and then move your mouse to GENERAL and click. 3. Once you are in the new page, look at the top and click on DELETE ACCOUNT. 4. You will be given a warning asking if you are sure you wan...

Stay Tuned for more information