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If you find one of our advertising partners ads to be offensive or not something you feel should be on Fetishmen, please submit a ticket or email advertising@fetishmen.net and we will review your concern anonymously and will report it to the advertiser for further review.  

Fetishmen offers a number of marketing and advertising options including our site banners, chat ads, facebook page likes and more. If you are looking for a custom advertising package that will suit you and your business needs. When you contact us, please include the following information - Your Name - Company Name - Email Address - Phone Number (optional) - Your website - Your budget - Are you non-profit (This does affect pricing) Email the information above to advertising@fetishmen.net ...

Fetishmen can offer our partners and clients a custom advertising package based on your needs. From local market targeting to full on campaign, we can make sure you are getting some of the best value possible. The various channels we use for our advertising packages include: - On-site advertising banners - Targeted on-site messaging (we will NEVER send ad emails to our members) - Content push via our facebook page (21,000 Likes with a 68% engagement) - Videochat Targeted Advertisements - P...