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The fact is, abuse is something that makes you feel extremely uncomfortable and is directed at you or someone else. One of the fundamental goals of Fetishmen is to provide a safe and comfortable place for men new and old, both in age and experience, to explore their fetish(s). While people say things that come without intent to hurt someone, it is the attacks on people, race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs that we need and will address. To summarize, the following items are co...

Transparency is important. Knowing how something is processed can bring a calm to a stressful situation. We want people to understand the complaint process and how we handle abuse situations. When you submit your concern/complaint the following happens. 1. Your ticket is categorized into different topics. Those include: - Abuse - Support - Advertising - Billing & Memberships - Other 2. Once assigned, the team involved with that topic is notified 24/7 on their phones and email. 3. The...

Please bear with us as we get this going - if you have an abuse issue, please email ryan@fetishmen.net